In order to give our members time to plan out their year – we’ve planned out ours! Throughout this packet, we offer several corporate package options, and an ‘ala-carte’ menu for other event and education sponsorships. Please read through this packet carefully for all information regarding sponsorship opportunities, availabilities, and deliverables.
- Corporate Sponsorships begin October 1, and end on September 30 of the following year. Sponsorship Funds will be due by February 1, 2018 – Can be billed in quarterly invoices.
- Annual Corporate Sponsors packages are available on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis – once all are reserved, no more will be offered.
- Companies from competing industries may be included on the same package.
- Annual Corporate Sponsors may add additional sponsorships in addition to package offerings from menu, but may not substitute or change package.
Once you have made your selection, please fill out the sponsorship pledge form at the end, and return to SMDRA. Any questions please contact SMDRA at 303-797-3700.